Surgical abortion

It is a surgical abortion procedure to abortion options, this tends to be very safe when and wherever you attend to a legal abortion clinic.

This is the only surgical abortion method that has been authorized and included in Abortion protocol because of its practicality and effectiveness; furthermore it presents itself as a safe and fast recovery method.

Before performing this, an assessment will take place, which is important to make. The assessment comprehends a gynecological evaluation, pelvic ultrasound, clinical tests, which allow to evaluate:

  •  The woman general health status
  • Optimal conditions for an intervention
  • Pregnancy period and intrauterine location

What is uterine aspiration procedure?

We can tell you that the procedure of Uterine aspiration procedure is very fast, as its average time is from 15 to 20 minutes, it is an ambulatory technique, which means that, when it is over, you can easily go home.

The patient remains in recovery and observation for approximately 1 hour.

Most of women with jobs return to their occupations without further problems, this technique can be used since the first to the twelfth pregnancy week.

It has high effectiveness and minimum risks and complications. It is important, when you return to your home, to follow the physician’s instructions, they are simple things but are in case you get an infection.


After surgical abortion Which are the cares after the uterine aspiration procedure?

Some of the cares you must have after the surgical abortion are: Do not lift heavy objects, do not perform low or high intensity exercise, do not climb up or descend stairs, only if necessary, do not run, and eat a soft diet.

You can present mild bleeding on the subsequent days, but at any moment it should be abundant or to have a bad odor, in that case call your physician.

You can also have cramps, like menstrual cramps, they can be diminished through medication. It is important to know that these cares contribute to present a lesser amount of nuisances.

Sexual life must be avoided for two or three weeks to avoid any infection, also the use of tampons and vaginal showers, and as soon as you return to an active sexual life, it is important to use contraceptive because you can get pregnant immediately because of the hormonal disturbance in your body.

You can be fertile at any moment after the surgical abortion . This means you can get pregnant immediately, even if you have a mild bleeding.

I you don’t want to get pregnant again it`s important to use Contraceptive Methods immediately.

Surgical abortion

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