
Abortion clinics at LAS VEGAS, Texas and all USA are welcome

Aborto con píldora

  • Valoración, ultrasonido y tratamiento
  • Recomendable dentro de las primeras 10 semanas
  • Estancia de 1 a 2 horas
  • Acompañamiento telefónicos 24 horas
  • Tratamiento completo
  • Cómoda y altamente seguro

Opción quirúrgica

  • Valoración, ultrasonido y procedimiento
  • Honorarios médicos, estancia, sedación ya incluidos
  • Estancia en quirófano de 15 minutos
  • Acompañamiento telefónico 24 horas

Ya estamos en: 302 E. Carson St. 10th floor, Las Vegas, NV, 89101

Somos una clínica de aborto legal con más de 15 años de experiencia.

Ofrecemos datos sobre las ventajas y desventajas de cada alternativa, permitiendo que la paciente elija la opción más adecuada para ella de forma imparcial.

Proporcionamos acceso a alternativas de planificación familiar y brindamos respaldo a mujeres embarazadas que buscan la opción de interrumpirlo.

Tenga presente que la confidencialidad es nuestra prioridad y le proporcionaremos asistencia de manera confidencial.

Somos una clínica de aborto ubicado en Las Vegas, que ofrece atención de salud reproductiva asequible y de bajo costo para mujeres.

Clíncia Asociada a nuestro grupo Médico dentro de USA.

Safe & Sound For Women

Adress: 5875 South Rainbow Blvd. Suite 201 Las Vegas, NV 89118

Donde te ofrece procedimientos de aborto desde el momento de la detección y hasta la semana 24 el personal médico es especializado en OB/GYN con más de 24 años de certificación en USA.

Sound & Safe For Women


How to find a safe and legal abortion clinic. What are my options for abortion clinics near me?

¿How to choose a provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health services?

You can have access to profesional services at the Medica Center FEM clinics, all our doctor área specialists in gynecology , we have more tan 14 years of experience in safe.

Abortion Clinics

How can i find an abortion clinic near me?

Medica Center FEM our group of specialists will be able to accompany you and inform you about your treatment options.

You can choose medication treatment and the surgical option, call our care center and receive guidance to have a legal abortion.

Médica Center Fem

How long is the time limit to perform an abortion? How is the procedure?

Each state has its own guidelines, so you can ask for more advice when you call our specialists.

In most of the states it is done before 12 weeks, so we recommend you not to let more time pass and go to a clinic to receive more information and advice.

I'm still not sure of my decision?

I'm still not sure of my decision?

Our medical centers have a Psychotherapist who can offer a session so that you can eliminate your doubts, fears and make the decision freely and informed.

How much does an abortion cost?

Medica Center FEM are designed base don the pregnancy diagnosed by ultrasound or pregnancy sonogram.

Surgical abortion can cost between $ 1000 and $ 1500 dollars depending on the gestation time of the patient. All our treatments are performed by Vacum procedure, prior to treatment, one of our gynecologists will perform an ultrasound and gynecological evaluation. Abortion costs include from your evaluation, ultrasound, stay in clinic, medications used in clinic and gynecologist fees.

Pill abortion treatments can only be taken before 10 weeks, which makes it possible to have a process at home and medical consultations, before and after starting treatment.

Medica Center FEM is a private clinic committed to supporting women who request it, if you are from a different state and require further advice, call our specialists and explain your needs, we can surely provide support in your treatment.

We know this is not a good time, so we are with you to accompany you to an abortion clinic near you.

How much does an abortion cost?

What are the things that I should know before aging my appointment

What are the things that I should know before aging my appointment:

- Surgical methods can have an approximate stay of 2 hours total, the procedure only takes between 10 and 15 minutes. - If you want treatment of abortion with pills, you must take the consultation and studies in the clinic, as well as the first taking of the medicine, the bleeding will begin in the following hours.

What happens after the abortion? Our doctors will give you indications and aftercare, as well as a telephone number that is at your disposal 24 hours a day. And we recommend you return to a follow-up appointment after 15 days.

What happens after the abortion?

Our doctors will give you indications and aftercare, as well as a telephone number that is at your disposal 24 hours a day. And we recommend you return to a follow-up appointment after 15 days.

What happens after the abortion?